Does your salon have an interest in helping women cope with their hairloss either from cancer or another illness?
We are developing a network of salons across the United States to be apart of the Girl on the Go brand. Our mission is to keep women feeling good about themselves so hair loss does not hold them back. We want women to feel confident in their appearance so they will be active and on the go!
Girl on the Go is emerging as a brand that is not just about the wig – we are about making women feel beautiful again. Our website is a top ranked resource for women searching for help for their hair loss. Our goal is to become the national retail brand that women demand and trust. We know that while there are national wig manufactures, there is no national wig retail brand across the country.
We are looking to fill that void by partnering with selected hair salons and become the retail brand women from California to Maine demand and trust. Articles about our solid customer service approach in More magazine, Business Week, and Women’s World have resulted in women across the county (who are experience hair loss for a variety of reasons) writing to us and asking us to be available for them. They agree women deserve a kinder, gentler, Girl on the Go! wig shopping experience. Help may wig shopping stressless for your clients.
If you would like to learn more about our becoming apart of our growing salon network please contact us at [email protected]
Schedule a private appointment or for more information