Human Hair Wigs
No one needs to know, or will ever know, that it is a wig.
Your Hair Will Never Look Better.
Beautiful, luxurious, strong, healthy, gorgeous human hair.
Our work will make you re-think everything you thought you knew about wigs and hair pieces.
Our wigs are beautifully constructed mostly by hand to ensure quality craftsmanship. The hair we purchase is incredibly healthy, It has been described by our clients as luxurious. Our wigs and top pieces are nicely balanced in a light weight foundation. Each hair has individual movement, mimicking a strand of hair grown from your head. Even our hairlines will keep your secret, their natural recessions look 100 percent realistic.
Some of the wig makers we work with also make wigs for celebrities. That’s right! Famous, gorgeous women you know (actresses, influencers, singers, and models) more often than not rely on wigs to look their best at award shows, photo shoots, reality shows, and appearances. Of course they do! No one can take their hair from brunette to blonde, from short to long, from permed to straight, from thin to voluminous without damaging their own hair. Wigs are an essential part of many celebrity’s persona and wardrobe. Please, don’t feel ashamed of needing to add a wig to yours.
One important reason our wigs “WOW” is that we work with the highest quality of human hair. Human hair is sold in grades much like diamonds and leather. Not all human hair is the same. Think about it, some people you know have sensational hair others not so great. Just because a wig is made of human hair does not mean it a quality wig. To be a beautiful wig, the wig has to be made from high quality hair, nicely balanced in each cap, and constructed by a skilled artisan, and ours are.
We do not sell wigs out of a box. If you are looking for a wig named Lisa, Jennifer, or Yvonne you won’t find it here. We do not sell large manufactured national brands. Our wig makers and stylists are skilled at their craft – working on each wig individually. We make sure details like a natural part makes it impossible to tell that it is not your real hair.
Our wigs are not hot. Some of our cap constructions are so thin you can see through them. Our wigs are not itchy. They are not difficult to care for. They are light & comfortable and will make you feel beautiful.
Try to change your mindset. Put on your clothes, your shoes, make-up and your hair. Choose your earrings, then go out your door and be a beautiful, confident Girl on the Go!
Prices start in the $2,000’s.
Email: [email protected] Please include your photo and phone number. We try to respond same day or next business day. (Our office is closed on the weekends.) If you do not see a response email from us within 1business day please check your SPAM folder.

Since 2004 we have helped thousands of clients find Hair Happiness.
"Let Us Help You Remain Confident In Your Appearance So You Can Be
A Girl On The Go!"
Established 2004