Our Message
Hair loss due to chemotherapy can be devastating. I’ve been there. In fact, most of us at Girl on the Go! have a personal experience with cancer and hair loss. We understand the stress and anxiety you are feeling. Providing beautiful and undetectable wigs for cancer patients is our mission.
A wig can look natural and you can look beautiful wearing one!. I know this might sound inconceivable to you right now. But take a minute to think about it. In every television show, in every movie, in all plays the actors wear wigs. You’ve always known this fact but you may not have given it thought because the wigs are not apparent. Your eye focuses on the actor and not the wig.
Wigs for Cancer Patients
As a cancer patient, you can look as fabulous in a wig as the many celebrities you’ve seen wearing them. Most people have a negative impression of wigs because they only notice the bad ones, the ill fitted ones- cheap hair and poor construction.
Our attention to detail, to each hair’s movement, to high lights and low lights. and comfort have made our wigs for cancer patients highly recommended by oncology nurses and cancer patients since 2004.
We are trained professionals who are dedicated to protecting your privacy and helping you feel confident and beautiful.

Me in My Wig in 2002