Wearing A Wig is Like Breaking In A Pair of Shoes

Wigs for Cancer Patients

Wearing A Wig is Like Breaking In A Pair of Shoes

Some people just can’t deal with the fact they that are going to be
wearing a wig. People have different acceptance levels for it. Some
women can really fall in love with their wig. They can like the texture better, or decide to look on the brighter side and giggle that for a period of time they are no longer a slave to their roots or their colorist.

For others they can’t bear the thought of a wig. They ask me what if I don’t like it. What if they feel the wig on their head. I think you need to think of wearing your wig like you would wearing a pair of new hoes. Let’s say you are going to a wedding and you found THE
pair of shoes that will look great with your dress. You buy them. You wear
them to the wedding – but they hurt feet hurt. You probably should have broken them

It took me about 2 weeks to get used to wearing my wig. I constantly felt
as if i had a baseball cap on my head. But, when I looked in the mirror I
just saw me. If I took off (what felt like my hat) I saw a bald head, and a
cancer patient staring at me. That is not who I wanted to be. So, I kept
wearing the wig.  I figured that I’ve definately worn shoes that hurt me because they
were cute so why should I cheat myself now?

Get a beautiful wig and accept yourself. Go live your life – be a Girl on the Go!

Wishing you the best of health in the days to come – – sheril ;o)